Assisted Living Point LookoutAre you searching for a facility that provides Assisted Living Point Lookout?

Are you taking care of a loved one who is having difficulties performing the basic activities of daily living?

These activities include independently getting dressed, eating, bathing and maintaining proper personal hygiene.

There is a lot of pressure and stress that comes with aiding individuals with these sensitive activities and can really take a toll on a family member who is trying to do the right thing.

For your own physical and mental well-being, it is a great option to put your loved one in a facility that provides outstanding Assisted Living Point Lookout.

Senior Care Assisted in Point Lookout

Long Beach Assisted Living is a premier provider of health care services aimed at helping individuals regain their independence and help improve their quality of life.

Located right across from the absolutely beautiful shore line, residents get to enjoy a life of peace and tranquility. With comfortable bedrooms and a restaurant style dining in an atmosphere comparable to a luxurious cruise ship, this is unlike any other facility on Long Island that provides Assisted Living Point Lookout.

Nothing can match the beautiful scenery of the Long Beach area, and nobody can match the amazing services offered by Long Beach Assisted Living.

Call an admissions representative today if you have any questions or concerns regarding the program.

We also offer a Nursing Home in Point Lookout. Schedule a tour today.


Main Phone Line: 516.431.1400

Admissions Fax: 516.897.0415


The staff at Long Beach Assisted Living is committed to meeting our residents’ comfort and satisfaction. Please call us with your questions or comments, or email us at for more info on Long Beach Assisted Living Service Areas.

Long Beach Assisted Living Address
274 W. Broadway
Long Beach, NY 11561
